Breeding, Diet, & Lifespan of Zebra Finches

An eye-catching bird with a fascinating character, the zebra finch! The Zebra Finch, with its grey-brown eyes and black-and-white striped body, is unmistakably unique.

The Zebra Finch has a beautiful and distinctive body. The Zebra Finch is a popular pet because of its high energy and positive attitude.

This article sheds light on Zebra Finch’s fascinating character and extraordinary appearance.


Zebra finches are colorful and entertaining little birds. The zebra finch may be little, but it requires a big cage so it can fly around.

In order to get the most out of their social nature, finches of any kind should be housed in pairs.

Keeping solely females is an option because of how easily a male and female pair can reproduce.

Some experts suggest housing them in pairs or larger than six-member groups.

You’ll need a larger enclosure, such as a flight cage or aviary if you plan to keep more than two birds.

Zebra finches are friendly toward one another, but they do not form close relationships with humans.

Although they can be domesticated, they do not enjoy being handled. It’s possible that, with enough practice, you could coax it right into your palm.

The bird’s vocalizations, while noticeable, are pleasant, low-pitched chirps and peeps.

It is expected that this species will do well in urban environments such as high-rise buildings.

Speech and Vocalizations

There is a wide range of whistles and sounds made by all finches. The song of a zebra finch is soft and trilling, like a conversation.

Typically, the male bird instructs his offspring on how to make sounds.

He teaches them a song, and then they add their own flourishes, such as trills and whistles, to make it their own.

Lots of their improvised music is quite similar to sounds they’ve heard in the environment.

Some keepers of finches believe that singing or playing music will encourage their pets.

Zebra Finch Colors and Markings

Those zebra finches indeed are pretty! The sexes can be identified visually due to their dimorphism.

Men have brown along the sides of their bodies, orange spots on their cheeks, and black and white bars across the throat and chest.

Females have a greyish tint in certain areas. The beaks of males and females are both reddish-orange, albeit the males are much more vibrant in color.

The range of possible color variations in zebra finches produced in captivity is extensive.

Caring for a Zebra Finch

Space for horizontal flight is more important than vertical space when housing zebra finches, so a long yet low cage is fine.

The bigger the cage, the better. A cage that is 30 inches in length, 18 inches in height, and 18 inches in width is ideal for a pair of finches.

An aviary or other suitable flight cage is required if you intend to acquire a number of birds.

The distance between individual wires needs to be between a quarter and a half of an inch.

Provide a number of perches, but avoid cluttering the cage to the point where the finches can’t move freely.

In order to prevent the birds’ feet from adopting a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to supply them with a variety of perches, such as dowels of varying diameters or even natural branches, which can be arranged at different angles.

Swings and ladders are welcome additions, however, the latter will most likely be utilized as perches rather than for climbing.

Although finches are typically uninterested in toys, you can try giving them little bells or hanging toys.

Make sure the finch cage is in a safe, quiet room. Finches, unlike parrots, don’t need constant human companionship and will be less anxious if isolated from a busy area.

Although finches can adapt to a wide temperature range, you shouldn’t keep them in places that get too hot or too cold too quickly, as in bright sunshine or near vents for heating and cooling.

Finches can be acclimated to outdoor aviaries in warmer regions.

If you want to give your pet a bath, fill a small dish with clean water several times a week.

Common Health Problems

Mites can produce scaly skin on the face of zebra finches, necessitating veterinary care.

Overstressed zebra finches, in particular, are susceptible to an infestation of air-sac mites.

This is a life-threatening ailment that requires prompt veterinarian attention if the bird is to survive.

Do not hesitate to take your bird to an avian vet if it ever seems to be having trouble breathing.

Diet and Nutrition

Most finches’ primary diet in the wild consists of insects, spiders, spider eggs, fungi, lichen, fungi, and fungi.

Some birds will eat the fruit solely for the seeds, leaving the remainder on the ground.

Put food bowls on the floor to simulate the animals’ natural foraging behavior (not under perches).

It is also possible to secure the feeder to the cage’s wall.

Every day, give your finches a teaspoon or two of high-quality finch seed mix.

Sprouted seeds are a good way to test the freshness of a brand before buying them (put some in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel).

They are too old to feed if the seeds don’t sprout. When seeds sprout, they gain the most nutritious value.

Greens like romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, kale, and spinach (in moderation) should be offered, along with other fresh produce.

You should serve around a tablespoon of this salad or chopped fruit and veggie combo.

Do not ever feed avocado to a bird because it contains a toxin that is fatal to many species.

Find out what they enjoy and keep providing options. Getting your finches to try new foods may take some time.

Feed the pet pellets once a day. Pellets are a designed food source that can be beneficial when included in a well-rounded diet.

Make sure to keep trying to get your finches to eat the pellet food.

Eggs or a commercially prepared egg food supplement are other options for supplemental feeding twice weekly.

All birds can benefit from this, but breeding birds especially need it. Offer cuttlebone to your feathered friends as a calcium source; it can also be used to sharpen their beaks.

Finches do not benefit from taking grit anymore. But if you do provide it, do so sparingly and only a few granules at a time.

Millet sprays are a popular sweet snack. It’s not a good idea to feed your bird only millet all the time; you don’t want it to start rejecting other foods in favor of millet.

Ensure that clean water is available for consumption on a daily basis. At the end of the day, wash all the dishes that were used to prepare dinner.


Straight-line flights across the cage and perching on perches and branches provide most of the exercise for these small birds.

Make sure there’s enough room for flight in your enclosure. They can get along with less physical activity.


  • Quiet, low-volume chirper; good pet for apartment living
  • Does not require exercise time with you
  • Good first pet bird


  • Not affectionate or social with humans
  • Needs a larger cage for flight
  • Does not like handling

Lifespan And Health Of Zebra Finches

The average lifespan of a finch is 5–7 years, while some individuals may live much longer.

Despite their resilience, these birds can experience a variety of health problems.

According to, iodine shortage, stress, and parasites can all lead to feather loss in Australian finches.

How Do You Know If A Zebra Finches Is Right For You?

The Zebra Finch is a great option if you just want to see some colorful birds from afar.

They won’t form close emotional bonds with you as parrots do, but it means you can spend less time hand-feeding them.

The joyous chirping of these birds will fill your home while you watch them play with one another in their cage.

What Is The Price Of The Zebra Finch?

Standard Zebra Finches run about $20, with some of the more colorful mutations costing upwards of $75.

They are not expensive to keep when compared to other pet birds.

They are not destructive to their toys and their small size limits their food requirements.

A spacious cage with properly spaced bars is a must when keeping Zebra Finches.