Do Ravens Make Good Pets?

There are ten different species of birds known as ravens, all of which share the genus Corvus with crows and can be found both in urban and rural areas.

They typically measure in at a greater size than crows.

Even though ravens are wild birds, it is possible for them to learn to trust humans and even become pets.

Perhaps you’re wondering if ravens are suitable as household pets. Okay, then, let’s find out.

Can we ask if pet ravens are any good? A raven is not a suitable pet bird.

Ravens are tough pets to care for since they require constant monitoring and feeding.

Without a place to exercise their flight muscles, captive eagles quickly develop a case of the blahs. As a result, more work and time are required.

They can’t be allowed the freedom and exploration they crave while imprisoned.

One could conclude that the prevailing view is that keeping a raven as a pet is not a good idea.

Unlike other types of birds, ravens have not been tamed and domesticated. Without the proper permits, keeping ravens as pets is unlawful.

The raven, the largest of the corvids, is a clever, sly, and occasionally mischievous bird.

They’ve been with us for thousands of years, and they’re widely regarded as the most devoted and loving of all animals.

Do Ravens Make Good Pets?

You shouldn’t try to keep one as a pet if you don’t have the legal right to do so.

Because of their high intelligence, captive ravens quickly become melancholy due to a lack of mental stimulation.

Is It Legal To Own A Raven?

Without special authorization or if you are not a wildlife facilitator, it is illegal to retain a raven in the United States under the Migratory Bird Act of 1916.

If the federal government finds out you have a raven in your possession without a permit, you will be penalized and the bird will be taken away from you.

Owning a raven or even a rescued raven for any period of time is banned under federal regulations.

If you locate a wounded raven, you ought to inform the sanctuary or an animal shelter so that it can receive the finest comfort.

If you take a devious route, you can avoid breaking the law. A foreign-born raven is available for purchase.

For instance, you may have a white-necked raven that has its origin in Africa. They are common in these places.

However, because of restrictions on shipping birds over international borders, these ravens cannot be sent to the United States.

How To Attract Crows And Ravens To Your Garden?

To keep a raven as a pet may be against the law, but befriending a crow or raven in the wild is perfectly allowed.

Here are some strategies for winning their confidence:

Feed Them At The Same Time Of The Day, Every Day

Scavengers by nature, ravens will eat almost anything.

In the morning or at night, you can feed them. These times coincide with their peak hunger.

While the discarded food could be used to lure them in, keep in mind that it could also bring other pests to your garden.

Make Your Garden Safe For Them

Ravens are intelligent birds that avoid predatory species like dogs and cats.

As a result, you should make sure that your pets won’t bother them when they’re eating.

Further, remove anything that generates noise, which can scare them away.

A sprinkler for the garden and a wheelbarrow are two such examples.

They Feel Safe In Trees

In order to get some rest, ravens often perch in trees. Pick a landing spot with plenty of trees.

They like to perch in these trees and drop by for a snack every so often.

Use Shiny Objects In Your Surroundings

Shiny objects attract ravens. These could be strategically placed throughout the garden to attract their attention as they fly past your house.

Use A Fake Raven

Placing a faux raven in your garden may encourage real ones to visit.

Ravens want to stay in the company of their kind and tend to live in pairs.

If you hang or install a few imitation ravens in your garden, they will detect it fast.

They can be duped into coming to your establishment because they think it’s secure.

Can You Tame A Raven?

Birds of prey, ravens are not. So, it’s not a good idea to try to tame an adult raven and raise it as a pet.

They could become dangerous if removed from their natural environments.

However, if raised in captivity from infancy onward and given adequate love and attention, ravens can become tame and cooperative.

Even more likely, they’ll grow quite attached to their caretaker.

Some animal species seem to be more sociable than others.

Keep in mind that ravens are not usually expected to behave in a friendly or playful manner.

Their owners are never the target of an attack.

How Much Is A Pet Raven?

A reputable breeder should be contacted if you are interested in acquiring a pet raven.

Keep in mind that ravens are quite expensive due to the high demand among breeders.

They can range in price from around $2,000 up to $6,000.

Keep in mind that caring for a pet raven is a major commitment. To properly care for them, further effort is required.

Also, if you think ravens can be caged, you shouldn’t get one as a pet.

They require time spent outside and a great deal of independence.

Are Ravens Dangerous?

Domesticated ravens pose no threat to humans.

An adult raven may become aggressive if you try to remove it from its native habitat and bring it into captivity.

When a raven is raised from infancy onward in captivity, it has a warm personality and may form a strong attachment to its human caretaker.

When they perceive a threat to their well-being or territory, however, they become hostile and may even resort to violence.

When they lose control, their bite can really hurt. Its bite is so powerful that it could easily break a finger.

They normally refrain from biting humans unless it is absolutely essential.

Warnings are often delivered in the form of a little nip to the finger.

It’s best to avoid making them furious because when they bite, it can hurt.

One can generally pull back their finger if one bites lightly. You can wait for it to finish as it will not hold your finger for long.

If they additionally notice that you desire to leave, they would let you depart.

Stay away from the ravens’ nest at all costs. Here is where humans are attacked by the protective ravens.

How To Get A Raven Permit?

The Migratory Bird Act of 1918 includes ravens within the scope of protected species and thus provides government protection for them.

The purpose of this legislation is to safeguard birds that engage in long-distance migration.

This may be a migration to warmer regions in preparation for the next winter, or it may be a journey to lay eggs.

To obtain special authorization to keep ravens as pets, you may need to provide convincing justification to the authorities.

Even if you write a lengthy letter detailing your history with the birds and your expertise in caring for them, you still won’t be granted permission.

Instead, you’ll need to submit your application through a designated bird care facility, such as a nature preserve, avian hospital, or rehabilitation facility.

Are Ravens Intelligent?

Among birds, ravens are widely considered among the smartest creatures in the sky.

There is no other bird with a larger brain than this one. This has made them thoughtful and inquisitive.

Numerous tests demonstrated their intelligence, which is on par with that of a 7-year-old youngster.

More so, if raised in captivity, they can learn to recognize human faces. The aides will be easy to find for them.

If you take the time to bond with a raven, you may find that you have a new best friend.

Some claim they can more convincingly imitate a human voice than a parrot.

They are also capable of mimicking the sounds of automobiles and whistles.

Sometimes they may even engage in conversation with their caregiver.

How Do Ravens And Crows Behave As Pets?

There are no domesticated ravens or crows. The protective instinct they were born with is to avoid contact with people.

It could be challenging to develop a rapport with them because they can be reluctant to trust us.

Therefore, it is challenging to obtain even basic necessities like food or veterinary care.

What’s more, they’re exceptionally bright birds. Unfortunately, unleashing their natural curiosity indoors makes it challenging for their owners to keep them under control.

A raven’s mess-making abilities are greatly enhanced when given free reign over a household.

They investigate every box, cage, and jar in the hope of finding anything interesting inside.

It’s possible that they’ll shred every piece of evidence and misplace your keys.

If anything catches their eye, they may also try to conceal jewelry or a small object.

What Are The Eating Habits Of Ravens And Crows?

If you’re considering getting a raven as a pet, you should know that they are omnivores.

They might not act like your typical pet, but they’ll happily eat meat and veggies. The raven’s diet is quite diversified.

They consume both animal and plant products, as well as anything else the environment provides.

Food prepared in the same way as crows and ravens would in the wild is usually well-received by these birds.

A freshly slain animal is ideal since it allows them to digest the meal in their natural method, which is necessary for their satisfaction.

It’s best to feed them foods that are as close as possible to what they’d eat in the wild.

The raven’s taste is agnostic. Food is scarce, so they consume everything they can.

They would readily consume similar creatures such as snails, crabs, beetles, etc.

They mostly subsist on fruit, yet they also consume other common human foods. There is no risk of starvation because of this.

Some individuals make the mistake of feeding ravens high-quality dog food, which the birds seem to actively dislike.

To avoid digestive issues, it’s best to stick to dog food that closely resembles the wild canine’s natural diet.

Is It Possible To Keep Ravens In A Cage?

Not surprisingly, ravens in captivity tend to be miserable. Like other free-flying birds, they like circling the area and claiming the poles as their own.

As a result, putting a raven in a cage wouldn’t make it any happier.

They enjoy exercising dominance over their region by flying around in it, much like territorial birds.

Therefore, you shouldn’t even think about bringing them inside or confining them in a cage.

They require a huge property to be kept tamed, which is unlikely.

A captured raven will quickly become unhappy in its captivity.

Despite being among the most intelligent birds, it will be confined to a cage for the rest of its life.

If you wish to raise a raven, you’ll need access to at least a sizable outdoor aviary.

However, keep in mind that these are birds that regularly prefer to fly over extremely long distances.

Spending time in tight quarters would feel foreign and unnatural to them.

You may release a captive-bred raven into the wild, and it will eventually find its way back.

When given the chance, they would leap at the chance to fly.

You owe it to your pet raven at the very least to provide it with a secure outside aviary.

What Is The Lifespan Of Ravens And Crows?

Crows and ravens are known for having long lifespans. They can survive for up to ten to fifteen years in the wild.

In a zoo or aviary, however, their lifespan can more than quadruple, reaching up to 30 years.

Is It Necessary To Wash Pet Ravens?

Most ravens will clean themselves. They can’t do this when still young, though.

When a baby raven is old enough to move around on its own, you can give it a water bottle.

Make sure it’s big enough for them to wash their hands without having to go in too deep.

Take care to replace the water every day.

Is It Safe To Have Ravens As Pets When You Have Small Children In The Household?

It is not a good idea to have pet ravens in a home with children.

The natural fascination of children for animals never ceases to amaze me.

They have been known to grab animals without thinking twice just to pet them or play with them.

Ravens, in contrast to playful dogs, are quite protective of their territory.

If they feel threatened, they may resort to physical force to protect themselves. When used as a weapon, their beaks are very dangerous.

As a result, having a pet raven in a house with young children might not be the best option.

Are Ravens Friendly to Humans?

Are ravens friendly to humans? There are lots of folks who are curious about that. It’s not easy to give a straightforward response to this inquiry.

The species is known for being both intelligent and assured. However, unlike other birds, ravens are more trustworthy once you’ve earned theirs.

To get close to one of these birds, you should tread carefully and maintain a steady pace.

What sets these birds apart from crows is the first thing you need to know about them.

Both species are black and glossy, with sharper beaks than crows.

Additionally, they sport a prodigiously long and sharply tailed design. In contrast to crows, ravens are capable of greater heights in flight.

A raven is most likely the bird you see soaring if you hear a crow.

Parents should be on the lookout for raven attacks on their young. They will also peck at the eyes of newborn livestock as a means of attack.

Moreover, it has the ability to eat the carcasses of deceased animals.

Keep your distance from them if they seem afraid of you. At some point, you’ll learn to trust them.

Ravens are known for their intelligence and cunning in the wild. To get to fish, they have been known to push rocks into trees.

Some accounts even have them using their claws to help ice fishermen haul in their nets.

In addition, they frequently opt for options that read as though.


As a species, we have a long history of keeping wild birds as pets. Particular birds, like ravens, are notoriously challenging to care for.

Since ravens are wild animals, they have unique housing, dietary, and behavioral needs.

If you don’t have the time and energy to provide a raven the proper care it needs, it will die.

Ravens are clever and sneaky creatures. They can be difficult to care for, but the joy of seeing your smart raven respond to his new name, engage in a game, or even imitate your behaviors is priceless.

Ravens have a knack for bonding strongly with their human caretakers and proving to be steadfast friends for the rest of their lives.

If you provide a raven with a good home, it will be your faithful companion for the rest of its life.

Our discussion of whether or not ravens make suitable pets concludes here.

Thanks for reading this article, and I hope it has helped you decide whether or not to keep a raven as a pet.

As we’ve seen, keeping a raven as a pet is not without its cons.

They are reputed to be as linguistically capable as gorillas, which is a plus, and they also tend to develop deep bonds of affection with their human caretakers.

They may also quickly learn to imitate human speech, which can be both hilarious and terrifying when they begin talking back to you.