Can Guinea Pigs Eat Oranges?

Yes, Guinea Pigs can eat oranges, but sparingly and with caution.

Oranges are very good for guinea pigs and that is mostly due to the high amounts of vitamin C that they have. Also, oranges provide energy and other benefits. 

Vitamin C is important for a healthy immune system. It also holds cells together, helps them to function, and protects them from damage.

But we must keep in mind that a significant portion in their diet is hay. Hay is something they will eat throughout their life in most parts.

Do guinea pigs like oranges?

Guinea pigs like oranges because they are refreshing to them. Also, they like the texture and the fruity smell of an orange.

Guinea pigs often prefer one food over another. Not all guinea pigs are the same.

We should first give them a small portion and see if they like it or not before including it in their diet.

Health Benefits of Oranges for Guinea Pigs

The benefits regarding oranges as food for guinea pigs:

  • Energy – Oranges have a very good amount of calories to provide the organism with enough warmth and nutrition.
  • Healthy weight – Orange has almost 90 calories but that is not much for fruit and the guinea pigs won’t eat a whole orange anyway. Also, it is low in fat so it won’t change the weight.
  • Healthy cardiovascular system (low in fat, potassium, magnesium) – Oranges are low in fat and this keeps blood vessels unclogged. Also, potassium contributes to a good balance of salt and water in the body. Magnesium keeps the heart muscle healthy and strong in guinea pigs. All this means guinea pigs will have excellent health of cardiovascular system.
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How often can Guinea pigs eat oranges?

A Guinea pig can be fed with a wedge(slice) of orange once a week.

We should not increase the quantity more than this because the acidic nature of the fruit might upset their digestive system.

Risk of Overfeeding Orange to Guinea Pigs

Oranges are not bad for guinea pigs but in larger serving sizes they cause some problems. These are the most common risks that oranges cause to guinea pigs:

  • Urinary problems – The orange contains quite a lot of calcium. Fully grown guinea pigs will not benefit from calcium. Those mineral deposits create bladder and kidney stones, pain during urination, and bloody urine too.
  • Bad digestion – Also, orange has sugars too. It contains beneficial nutrients like vitamin C, but precaution is needed because of the sugar. Sugar can cause painful digestion or bowel problems like loose stool.

Can guinea pigs eat orange peels?

Surprisingly, yes! And many guinea pigs love the peels. Orange peels are also rich in Vitamin C. Before handing over the peel, though, make sure to wash the outside of the orange thoroughly to remove any pesticide traces.

And, as with the fruit, only offer a small amount of orange peel in one day.

Are Orange seeds safe for guinea pigs?

No, The seeds of oranges are not safe for Guinea pigs.

Orange seeds are hard, and often it leads to choking in the guinea pigs. We must remove the seeds carefully before serving it to our guinea pigs.