What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pigs are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants and plant-based foods.

They get nutrition from plants. The majority of a guinea pig’s diet should be fresh hay or grass. But, fresh fruits and veggies are important too.

We all know that Vitamin C is really important for guinea pigs, but is there too much of a good thing? Many cavy owners find themselves asking what fruit can guinea pigs eat, and can guinea pigs eat fruit at all?

Fruit contains vitamins (including vitamin C) and fiber, both of which are essential for guinea pig health. But, it also contains lots of sugar, which is bad for our cavies in large amounts.

So, fruit should only ever be given to guinea pigs in moderation

Your pet guinea pig’s diet should be based on high-quality hay, commercially available pelleted food made specifically for guinea pigs, and limited amounts of fresh vegetables and fresh fruit.

An imbalance in nutrition can lead to chronic diarrhea, obesity, and even dental disease.

What Fruits Can I Feed My Guinea Pig?

Fresh fruit can be a tasty treat for your pet, but only in the right quantities.

The following fruits for guinea pigs are safe to eat in small amounts alongside a balanced diet of fresh hay and leafy greens.

Here are some fruits that are guinea pigs safe:

When selecting fruit for your guinea pig, it’s important to select fresh and organic fruits that have as little chemicals, preservatives, and additional sugar as possible.

More so, try select fruits that are relatively low in sugar and carbs to keep your guinea pig in healthy shape.

What Fruits Are Bad For Guinea Pigs?

You should never feed your guinea pig fruit with the seeds still inside. Seeds can be choking hazards and toxic. Cherry seeds, for example, have small amounts of arsenic that don’t affect us but can poison the small guinea pig body. For this reason, just remove all seeds before feeding the fruit.

Don’t feed your guinea pig canned fruit either. Canned fruit comes with preservatives and added sugars that will overload your guinea pig in no time. Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables.


If you want to make your guinea pig super happy, add fruit to their diet. Fruit will help your guinea pig get enough vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals it needs. Because of the high sugar content, don’t overindulge your guinea pigs in fruit, though.

Instead, put your guinea pig on a primary diet of hay and vegetables, but toss in extra vitamin C and the occasional fruit. If you do this, your guinea pig will likely love you and squeal every time you open the refrigerator.
