How Many Toes Does a Hamster Have?

A hamster is a cute little ball of fur that can bring a smile to anyone’s face. However, how many toes does your adorable fluffball have? Your question has been answered.

They all have four toes on their front paws, five toes on their back paws, and eighteen toes in all.

The little rodents known as hamsters make for fascinating pets.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re curious about your hamster’s toes, how to keep them clean, or what to do if your hamster starts chewing on its paws.

There will be a lot more to talk about in this post. As a result, be sure to stick around to the end!

Do Hamsters Have Hands or Paws?

The paws of the hamsters are clearly visible. They’re skilled, but they’re still paws. Hamster paws, in contrast to human hands, lack an opposable digit.

A hamster’s entire paw can be wrapped around something, but it can’t grip it the same way we can. “

When hamsters are eating, you’ll often see them holding their food in their front paws.

As a result, some people may mistake the front paws of their hamsters for their hands.

Whenever they grab something like this, however, you’ll notice that it’s always done so with both of their front paws.

This is due to their inability to grasp objects firmly enough with just one paw.

Hamsters have pads on the bottoms of their paws and are able to walk on all fours. When they walk, the pads act as a cushion.

Do hamsters have claws?

Yes, hamsters do have claws at the end of their paws and they allow them to climb, which comes in handy when trying to escape predators.

Also Read:  Can Hamsters Eat Guinea Pig Food?

Claws also enable them to climb to get food from hard-to-reach places, although hamsters generally spend their time foraging for food on the ground.

Hamster claws also come in handy when burrowing and climbing out of their burrows. Claws also help hamsters to grip and hold onto food between their paws.

Do hamsters have fingers?

A thumb is receded from each of their front four fingers and each of their hind paws has five toes.

The limbs of hamsters are cushioned by the soft pads on the bottom of their paws.

Do hamsters have feet?

Hamsters don’t have feet; instead, they have paws, which are more like hands on the front. Climbing, digging, holding, and foraging for food are all done with a hamster’s front paws.

When they stand on their hind legs, they use their larger back paws to keep their balance, which they often do when they’re curious!

Why Do Hamsters Sometime Chew On Their Feet?

A few things that can cause a hamster to chew on its feet include:

  • Infection
  • Parasites
  • Itching
  • Injury
  • Irritation


Your hamster may gnaw on an infected foot. A minor scratch or injury can serve as the initial point of entry for this infection.

Bumblefoot, an inflammation of the footpad that allows bacteria to enter the foot, may also be the cause of the infection.

Some of the symptoms that your hamster may have an infection are:

  • Red or swollen foot
  • Foot seems sensitive
  • They limp
  • They do not move around the cage as normal

You must take your hamster to the veterinarian if they have an infected foot. The hamster should be moved to new bedding as soon as possible.

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Veterinarians may have to amputate the patient’s foot if the infection is severe enough. You don’t have to worry about your hamster’s three-legged existence if that’s the case.


A mite, flea, or lice infestation could also be the cause of your hamster biting its feet, as these creatures can cause itching.

Comb the hamster’s fur for signs of infestation after cleaning it with warm water.

Once a week, thoroughly clean the hamster’s cage and all of its contents.

If you wash the cage and clean the hamster on a regular basis, it is possible that your hamster was not infected with parasites at all, but with an allergy or irritant.


Your hamster’s feet may be itching if it is constantly chewing on them. This can be caused by parasites, as we discussed earlier.

This can also be brought on by an allergic reaction to the pet’s enclosure or the bedding.

In order to see if it helps, remove any new bedding or items from the cage for a couple of days and see if that helps.

Avoid using harsh chemicals that could harm your hamster when cleaning with a warm, damp cloth instead. A trip to the vet may be in order if your pet hamster keeps chewing on its feet.


It’s possible that your hamster will start chewing on its foot or leg if it’s injured. This could be an attempt to alleviate the discomfort.

See if you can spot any signs of damage by carefully inspecting the area. It’s best to keep the hamster safe from harm by wrapping him or her in something soft and holding them firmly.

It’s possible to clean the area with warm water or saline, then apply a disinfectant like betadine if the injury is minor.

Also Read:  21 Healthy Treats For Your Hamster

Let it rest in its cage for the next few days and apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment.

Bringing its food and water closer to where it sleeps may help it avoid having to move around as much as possible.

Make an appointment with your hamster’s veterinarian if the wound is more severe.

Some signs of injuries in hamsters include:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Bleeding
  • Sleeping a lot
  • Cries of pain
  • Aggression
  • Limping

Take care and do not stress an injured hamster. You must leave them alone for a few days to heal, aside from handling them to examine them, treat injuries, or take them to the vet.


An allergic reaction to the new bedding or toy could be the cause of your hamster’s sudden foot-chewing behavior.

Cage washing is necessary after any additions have been removed or replaced with a different type of bedding.

Using household cleaners to clean the cage or even just a few feet away from it can cause an allergic reaction.

Clean the cage with only warm water and mild detergent, if at all possible.

If you can’t figure out what caused the irritation on your hamster’s foot, you should probably take it to the veterinarian. A bacterial infection, rather than an allergy, could be to blame.

Final Words

In total, hamsters have a foot count of 18. Their front paws have four and their back paws have five.

As discussed above, injuries or illnesses can affect your pet hamster’s tiny paws. You’ll have to take your pet to the veterinarian if they’ve suffered a serious injury or illness.

They’re adorable, of course, but they’re also necessary for the animals’ ability to dig, climb, hold, and forage for food.

Additionally, they’re crucial for allowing them to run, and boy, do they love to run!

I hope that this information will help you.