Do Guinea Pigs Bite?

Yesguinea pigs can bite. They don’t bite often and they don’t bite without reason, but it is important to know that these fluffy creatures can bite.

The first thing you should know about your guinea pig is that its bite will not harm you.

A bite from a guinea pig will rarely break the skin, and it’s much more of a nibble than a bite.

It can be startling to have a guinea pig suddenly begin gnawing on your finger, but there is no danger, and these pets are perfectly safe for children.

Why Do Guinea Pigs Bite?

A guinea pig may occasionally bite as a response to their emotions or environments.

Here are some reasons your guinea pig might bite.

Feeling Scared

If your guinea pig feels scared, is startled, or is being bullied by other guinea pigs, it may react by biting you or another guinea pig.

This reaction is natural and is an attempt to protect itself or stop whatever is scaring it from happening.

It may occur if your guinea pig is being held too high in the air, another guinea pig keeps stealing its food, or you attempt to pick it up while it’s sleeping.

Feeling Hungry

Guinea pigs love to eat and even have some favorite foods. If they are especially hungry or are fighting over a favorite food item, they may nip at you or another guinea pig.

Also Read:  Can Hamsters Eat Guinea Pig Food?

This behavior isn’t unexpected from any hungry animal, but there are ways to help decrease the likelihood of it occurring.

Needs to Poop or Pee

Some guinea pigs are not comfortable to poop or pee anywhere, and they’ll usually make you aware of this by teeth chattering whenever it has to go.

If you fail to understand its signals, it may start nibbling and/or biting your finger as a final sign of “warning” before the inevitable happens and you get peed or pooped on.


If your guinea pig smells food on you or you are holding a chew toy, it may bite your fingers accidentally.

Your guinea pig may have gotten confused and thought your fingers were actually its chew stick or snack.

It probably didn’t mean to bite you and realized your fingers weren’t food as soon as it made contact with them.

Feeling Stressed

A guinea pig may feel stressed for a variety of reasons. In addition to being scared and being bullied by other guinea pigs, cages that are too small, not having a place to sleep, chronic competition for a mate or food, and an uncomfortable cage floor can result in your guinea pig being stressed. This can then cause it to be more reactive and likely to bite you.

Wearing Down Its Teeth

Your guinea pig may be biting you or its cage because it is trying to wear its teeth down. Guinea pigs have teeth that continuously grow throughout their lifetimes, so they need to chew on things to keep them short.

Also Read:  Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cherries?

This is a very natural and necessary behavior, and if your guinea pig doesn’t have adequate items—such as a daily supply of hay—that it is supposed to chew, it will find something else to chew on.

Feeling Sick

Guinea pigs that aren’t feeling well may be more likely to bite.

They may not want to be bothered and if you are trying to handle them or force them to eat, biting may be their way of trying to tell you that they want to be left alone.

If your guinea pig has never bitten before and suddenly nipped at you, this is a good indication that it may be sick.

Feeling Pain

If your guinea pig is sick, it may also be in pain. Other causes of pain can also result in your guinea pig biting.

If you or your child are squeezing your guinea pig too tightly, its leg is stuck in the cage, it has been injured, or is experiencing pain from something else, biting is more likely.

Make sure that your guinea pig doesn’t appear to be in pain if it’s trying to bite.


Puberty occurs in males around two to three months of age, and if two males are housed together, they may bite each other or be more likely to bite you because of their high testosterone levels.

It’s best to keep intact male guinea pigs separate to avoid wounds from fighting. 

Female guinea pigs have also shown to be less social when they are in heat and may be less tolerant of other guinea pigs and handling.

Also Read:  Everything About Himalayan Guinea Pig

How to Stop Guinea Pigs From Biting?

There are some simple things you can do to discourage your guinea pig from biting. Ensure your guinea pig’s enclosure is not too small.

Provide plenty of hiding spots and ample food sources. Don’t wake your guinea pig up if it is sleeping, and provide it with plenty of chew toys.

If you suspect your guinea pig is sick or in pain, don’t handle it more than necessary and bring them into the vet.

What To Do If You Are Bitten By a Guinea Pig?

If you are bitten by a guinea pig, there are a few things you should do right away. The first is to control the impulse to overreact.

If you are holding your guinea pig, gently return him to his enclosure. Dropping him may lead to injury, and smacking, screaming, or otherwise punishing him will only lead to additional fearful behavior.

Once you return him to his enclosure, treat the wound. Wash the bite thoroughly with hot, soapy water. Wash the wound thoroughly, lathering up and washing for five minutes.

Rough scrubbing is unnecessary and can cause further damage. Pat the wound dry and keep it covered with a sterile bandage.

Most bites heal quickly on their own, If there are signs of infection such as redness around the wound, oozing from the bite, pain that increases rather than decreases, or a fever. If you have any concerns that the wound is infected, seek medical attention immediately.