Can two Hamsters Live in the Same Cage?

Is it possible to have two hamsters in the same cage without any problems?

While it’s true that some people simply can’t get enough of hamster cuteness, when you have multiple pets, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Perhaps most pressing is the difficulty of providing individual hamsters with adequate housing. We’ve done extensive research on the topic and are here to share the findings with you.

The willingness of a hamster to share its cage with another rodent typically varies with its breed.

Due to their introverted and territorial tendencies, Syrian hamsters should never be kept in pairs.

However, when you bring up the topic of dwarf hamsters like Campbell’s, Winter White, Roborovski, and Chinese Hamsters, the response becomes a more nuanced “Maybe.”

Adopting two dwarf hamsters at once is a delicate process that requires patience and care.

Furthermore, the outcome will be affected by the individuality and preferences of the animals involved.

How can you ensure harmony among your hamsters?

What adjustments may be made to the surrounding area to make it more suitable for joint use?

For more information on how hamsters can live together peacefully, please keep reading.

What Hamsters CAN Live Together?

Okay, so now we have determined that Syrian hamsters must not be allowed to share a cage with other animals, let’s look at different types of hamsters.

Can Syrian Hamsters Live Together?

Unfortunately, the answer is no to this inquiry. When I was a kid, my parents and other adults always told me to keep my hamsters in separate cages for the simple reason that I kept Syrian hamsters.

With rare exceptions, Syrian hamsters will viciously attack any other hamster that comes near them.

When her young are young and dependent on her, a mother Syrian hamster will not normally attack them.

And when she’s ready to have babies, the female Syrian hamster will let the male come within a few feet of her for a few hours every few days.

Other than that, though, these are solitary creatures.

Can Teddy Bear Hamsters Live Together?

A Syrian hamster may also be referred to as a golden hamster or a Teddy Bear hamster.

Consequently, they can be thought of as synonymous.

The conclusion is the same as before: no. As a result of their aggressive nature, these species should never share a cage.

Also Read:  How Many Toes Does a Hamster Have?

It’s shocking to learn that the adorable golden hamster can be cruel to its own kind.

The wild upbringing of the Teddy Bear hamster is the root cause of his refusal to share his cage.

Hamsters were first discovered in the desert, where food and water were scarce.

Because of this, these animals have developed a strong sense of territory and protectiveness. They would be willing to give their lives for them.

As a result, a fight between two of these small pets does not necessarily indicate that either of them is vicious or aggressive.

Even if your hamster is friendly toward humans, it might fervently dislike other hamsters. They are acting in a manner consistent with who they are.

Having two hamsters in the same cage is stressful for rodents and can reduce their lifespan.

That settles the question of whether or not Teddy Bear hamsters can coexist.

Can Baby Syrian Hamsters Live Together?

Babies of the same litter of hamsters don’t immediately begin to fight. As they get older, they develop a natural desire to fight.

That’s why a pet store is a great place to see hamsters of different ages living together without fighting.

As soon as they reach a few weeks of age, the fighting begins. Unfortunately, it rapidly deteriorates into a situation where they begin harming one another.

Furthermore, don’t assume that because you don’t see much violence in pet stores that it doesn’t exist. Most hamster battles take place in the dark.

Can Guinea Pigs and Hamsters Live Together?

The question “can hamsters share a cage?” has finally been answered. However, if Syrian hamsters don’t get along with other hamsters, how do they act around other pets?

Your hamster and guinea pig might be able to share a cage. Perhaps your rabbit? Once more, the answer is no.

These small creatures have strong territorial and solitary instincts. Since this is the case, it stands to reason that they would protect their homes and food supplies from any other animals.

This has nothing to do with their relationships with their caregivers. However, the fact that your hamster is friendly with you does not mean that he will be friendly with your guinea pig.

However, is it possible for two hamsters to coexist in a happy and healthy household?

Can Dwarf Hamsters Live Together?

Happily, the answer to this question is yes! With care, many dwarf hamsters can get along and share a cage.

However, the admonition to exercise caution is vital. Some care is still required.

For instance, it’s important that all of the dwarf hamsters in a cage are of the same species. Avoid introducing different species of dwarf hamsters into a cage together.

If possible, have your two hamsters be littermates so they can bond early on.

Hamsters, especially older ones that are used to living alone, may not take too kindly to being housed with a complete stranger.

Also Read:  All Different Hamster Breeds List

Neither you nor I would be thrilled to have a complete stranger sleep in our bedroom. Therefore, it’s hard to fault them.

Can Robo Hamsters Live Together?

Roborovski hamsters, or Robos for short, are unique among hamsters in that they have been seen in the wild living in pairs.

However, this is the rare exception rather than the rule, as they are typically solitary even in the wild.

Still, Robo hamsters are among the most compatible of all species when it comes to living together.

Robo hamsters are convenient for housing multiple rodents in a single cage. Make sure there is enough room for everyone to move around so that arguments can be avoided.

Can Winter White Hamsters Live Together?

Disappointingly, all-winter-white hamsters are extremely rare and hard to come by.

However, winter white hybrids are surprisingly common, and the wild populations of these hamsters often consist of several individuals.

There have been reports of winter white hamsters sharing burrows with other animals, and they can be found in groups much larger than just two hamsters.

It may be challenging to give two winter white hamsters enough room to run and play in a small cage, but multiple hamsters of this species can likely live together without too much trouble.

Is it Safe to Keep Hamsters Together?

In general, the answer is no. It’s not safe to keep hamsters together. In the wild, most hamsters live alone and only seek out other hamsters when it’s time to mate.

For hamsters in captivity, life should mirror that of a wild hamster as closely as possible.

If you break this rule, depending on the type of hamsters you’re dealing with, the consequences could be severe.

Many hamsters will fight each other and can cause injury, illness, stress, anxiety, and in extreme cases even death.

To make sure you don’t put two of the wrong hamsters together, we’re going to take a closer look at a few popular species of hamsters to keep as pets and discuss the likelihood of them cohabitating peacefully.

How to Introduce Two Hamsters to the Same Cage

So you want to keep two dwarf hamsters who have grown up together in the same cage. The first thing you need to know is that both hamsters should be unfamiliar with the cage.

It shouldn’t be one that one of the hamsters used to live in alone. And these should, of course, be young hamsters.

You’ll need one cage that’s big enough for both hamsters and another that fits inside the bigger one.

Also, make sure you have two of everything: food and water bowls, wheels, toys, bedding, etc.

Here’s how to introduce them to the idea:

After they’ve both been placed in the cage, supervise them carefully and repeat the first two steps in case of any aggression.

How to Tell if Your Hamsters Will Get Along in a Shared Space

Some dwarf hamsters just don’t do well in pairs, which is a shame. This could be because of their personality or because they just want to be left alone. Because of this, you need to be careful when putting two dwarf hamsters together.

The best thing to do is try to buy two dwarf hamsters that have been living together before coming to their new home. This shows the new owners that they already get along and can live together peacefully.

But sometimes a hamster’s owner will want to add a new partner to the hamster’s home. This is possible, but it takes a lot of care to make sure it goes smoothly. You want to make sure they get along so they don’t get into fights that are hard to break up when you’re not there.

How To Reduce The Chances Of Fighting

If you do need to separate your hamsters, don’t put them back together or take them out of their cages at the same time.

This will only make them fight more. If you want to keep more than one hamster in a cage, there are a few things you can do to make sure they don’t hurt each other.

Make sure there are no corners or dead ends in the cage where they could get stuck. Give more than one bowl of food.

Hamsters will sit in their bowls to eat, and if there is only one, they will fight over it because they don’t like to share.

Take care of them both at once and stick to the same routine. This will give them the same scent and make them less likely to run away.

Buy hamsters when they are young and let them grow up together. It lets the hamsters get used to each other as they grow up and will make them less likely to fight.

Another good idea is to pair hamsters based on their gender. Keeping women together is less dangerous than keeping men together, but mixing genders is the most dangerous.

You will probably end up with a lot of baby hamsters if you do it this way.


Don’t let the hamster enclosure at the pet shop trick you. They might keep all of those hamsters in the same cage, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for you to do the same.

Most hamsters are solitary creatures and will become territorial, aggressive, and violent when introduced to other hamsters.

Still, there are a few species that can be safely housed together, provided you take some sensible precautions such as providing ample space and resources and only keeping together hamsters of the same sex and species.